G20 Summit Heads of State and other high-ranking officials will be welcomed by an artificial intelligence-created avatar and More AI in Security

Image Source-Google | Image by – Nalandaopenuniversity

G20 Summit. In the heart of India, a groundbreaking exhibition titled ‘Mother of Democracy’ is set to captivate the world’s leaders, dignitaries, and visitors alike. This immersive experience will delve into India’s rich democratic traditions, spanning from the Vedic period to the modern era. At the forefront of this extraordinary journey stands our AI-generated avatar, a digital embodiment of innovation and tradition, ready to greet and guide you through the exhibition’s wonders.

1. Multilingual Excellence:

As you step into the exhibition, our AI avatar welcomes you with open arms, figuratively speaking. It communicates seamlessly in 16 global languages, ensuring that every guest, regardless of their native tongue, can fully engage with the exhibition. Whether you speak English, French, Mandarin, Italian, Korean, Japanese, or any other major language, our avatar will provide you with an informative and immersive experience. G20 Summit AI Avatar

2. Interactive Storytelling:

The history of India’s democratic ethos unfolds through 26 interactive screens strategically placed in multiple kiosks throughout the exhibition. These screens are your portal to the past, offering engaging narratives and visual displays that bring to life the evolution of democracy in India. With a simple touch or gesture, you can explore different eras and pivotal moments that have shaped the nation’s democratic identity. AI Avatar Welcoming World Leaders

3. A Grand Entrance:

As you enter the exhibition area, our AI avatar takes center stage. It’s the friendly face that first greets you, offering a concise yet comprehensive overview of what lies ahead. With a warm and inviting demeanor, it sets the tone for your journey through the ‘Mother of Democracy’ exhibition. AI Avatar Welcoming World Leaders

4. A Bronze Marvel:

Image Source-Google | Image by – The times of India

Right at the heart of the exhibition area, a rotating elevated podium showcases a stunning bronze replica sculpture of the Harappan girl. This remarkable artwork stands tall at an impressive 5 feet and weighs a substantial 120 kg. It’s a testament to India’s rich history, where ancient traditions and modern craftsmanship harmoniously coexist. Remarkably, this replica dwarfs the original, which measures a mere 10.5 cm. AI Avatar Welcoming World Leaders

5. A Democratic Odyssey:

The exhibition unfolds the tapestry of India’s election traditions. It takes you on a journey from the very first general elections held in 1951-52, just after India gained independence, to the momentous 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Through a captivating display of artifacts, documents, and multimedia presentations, you’ll witness the evolution of India’s democratic spirit and its ongoing commitment to free and fair elections. G20 Summit AI Avatar

In summary, the AI-generated avatar at the ‘Mother of Democracy’ exhibition is your knowledgeable and multilingual companion on a journey through India’s democratic legacy. It will help you explore the historical evolution of democracy, provide insights into key exhibits, and make your visit both educational and enjoyable. Don’t miss the chance to witness the monumental bronze sculpture and immerse yourself in India’s democratic traditions, all with the help of this friendly digital guide. Bharat India

AI-based cameras to secure foreign officials in Delhi

Image Source-Google | Image by – India Today

In today’s world, where safety and security are paramount, technology plays a vital role in safeguarding our communities and nations. One remarkable technological advancement that has emerged as a game-changer in the field of security is Artificial Intelligence, often referred to as AI. Let’s explore why AI is so crucial and how it’s being harnessed for security, using the recent example of the Delhi Police’s upgraded facial recognition system for the G20 Summit.

1. Unprecedented Accuracy:

Imagine having the ability to identify potential threats or suspects in a large crowd swiftly and with remarkable precision. This is precisely what AI offers. In the case of the Delhi Police, their AI-based facial recognition system has been fine-tuned to achieve an impressive accuracy rate of 90 percent. This means that the chances of spotting and apprehending suspects are greatly improved, making our communities and events safer. Bharat India

2. Expanding Databases:

AI doesn’t work in isolation. It thrives on data, and the more data it can access, the more effective it becomes. In the case of security, this means integrating intelligence agency databases with local law enforcement databases. This expanded database capability allows AI to cross-reference faces with a wider range of potential threats, ensuring that no stone is left unturned when it comes to identifying suspects. Bharat India

3. Real-Time Vigilance:

AI doesn’t get tired or lose focus. It can tirelessly monitor vast crowds in real-time without missing a beat. This continuous vigilance is a critical asset in maintaining security during high-profile events like the G20 Summit. The AI-based system can scan faces swiftly and alert security personnel to any matches, allowing for rapid response when needed.

4. Swift Response to Emerging Threats:

Security is an ever-evolving challenge. New threats and risks emerge constantly, and our ability to respond quickly is paramount. AI’s adaptability allows it to learn and recognize new patterns and threats swiftly. This means that as threats evolve, so does our security apparatus, keeping us one step ahead of those who seek to harm us. AI Avatar Welcoming World Leaders

5. Balancing Privacy and Security:

While AI provides unparalleled security benefits, it also raises important questions about privacy. Striking the right balance between security and individual rights is a delicate task. Modern AI systems, like the one employed by the Delhi Police, are designed with privacy safeguards in mind. They focus on identifying threats while respecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens, ensuring that security measures are applied judiciously.

6. International Cooperation:

In today’s interconnected world, security concerns are often global in nature. AI facilitates international cooperation by enabling the sharing of data and intelligence across borders. In the context of the G20 Summit, this cooperation is essential for a successful and secure event, as threats can come from anywhere. AI Avatar

In conclusion, AI is a powerful tool that has revolutionized security efforts worldwide. Its ability to provide unmatched accuracy, expand databases, maintain constant vigilance, adapt to new threats, and balance security with privacy makes it an indispensable asset in today’s security landscape. As exemplified by the Delhi Police’s upgraded facial recognition system for the G20 Summit, AI is not just a technology of the future but a present-day solution that helps protect our communities and nations, ensuring that we can gather, collaborate, and celebrate safely.

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