How to write the SQL Queries using GEN AI Prompt Free & Paid 2023.

Talk to your database. Mastering SQL Queries Using GEN AI’s Incredible Power Introduction Image: Introducing SQLbuddy : Your Ultimate SQL Query Assistant Powered by SQL Queries using GEN AI In the ever-evolving landscape of data management and analysis, a groundbreaking innovation has emerged—meet SQLbuddy, the revolutionary Gen AI-powered application … Read more

How do I use GitHub Copilot in VS Code for Python Free or Paid 2023 ?

What is GitHub Copilot? Image: GitHub Copilot is an innovative AI-driven code assistance solution created by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. Its primary aim is to enhance developers’ coding efficiency by providing intelligent suggestions, autocompletions, and even generating entire code sections. Developed on the foundation of OpenAI’s Codex, a … Read more